Entering the Year of the Wooden Horse!
by Valerie O'Brien on 01/26/14
On the 31st January we will be shifting from Snake energy to Wooden Horse energy and this is not a bad thing at all...we will leave behind a lot of turmoil and world conflicts and tragedies...so that's a very good thing indeed! According to the Chinese it will be a lucky year...one where we should look ahead, not back.
The year of the wooden horse is said to be a year for those who are ready for a thrilling ride...a year full of opportunities to grab if you want a prosperous year...but this does not mean it will come easy peasy. The year of the wooden horse is a rather temperamental year and those who are strong and have perseverance, are competitive and capable of working hard for what they want will be able to achieve whatever they want to achieve...manifesting their reality!
The Horse symbolizes masculine qualities and interests above all else...but this does not mean it is all about physical prowess and sports...but more about teamwork, social life and being one of the gang! Key word for Horse is "Fellowship"...so it is a year to be a good, generous, peace loving and kind individual...because the world will need a lot of that loving energy in the year ahead!
So journey forward into the year of the wooden horse with many blessings and opportunities and know that all your hard work and loving kindness will serve you well!
Reiki Blessings, Val