Finding the Point of Stillness Within : Mystic Musings from the Zen Room

Finding the Point of Stillness Within

by Valerie O'Brien on 06/20/11

Where I live it is a very beautiful Kalidescope of lakes, moutains, forests, orchards and vineyards...a place of incredible beauty! It is also a place where there is always so many things to do, it has so many offerings, that one has a hard time finding the time to truly be just still!

I love to hike and be out in nature...connecting to the Earth energies and enjoying this meditation in motion. But I do not often just sit out in nature and be still...going within to connect fully with the Spirit Still Point!  A good example of this is...I just recently held a Reiki Share where I took everyone on a hike to a very beautiful spot over looking 2 lakes. There I lead 3 meditations and then guided/assisted the others in a Reiki exchange. It was totally awesome...we then hiked back to my home and later when everyone had left...I realized I had not taken the opportunity to receive a Reiki and since I was the one leading the meditations, I was not actually meditating...hmmmm once again I had not allowed myself to experience just being still!  So even though we may be lighworkers, and working hard to help others on their own healing journey's...we need to take care of ourselves and take   the precious time of just being still and connecting to the Spirit within!  It is during this time when we are truly one with the Divine creator that we let go of ordinary reality and enter into non ordinary reality...where our spirit truly exists...where all things are possible...that point of stillness.

In Reiki we are always connected to the Universal life force flow of energy. So one could say we always have this beautiful healing energy flowing through us. In a way we do...but our bodies also have it's own intellenge source, and if we are fully able to stay connected to that source and the Universal one - and they come together - meet at that one point - the still point - then everything is incredibly possible! Universal life force energy (Divine energy) flows into our crown chakra - energizing and cleansing all our chakras - helping them to spin bright and strong.  Our healing center located in our heart chakra has a higher intelligence/life force of its own located in the Higher Heart chakra. This energy source sends the healing energy out to where it is needed most in our bodies...lives...mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually in all directions of time. Our higher heart communicates with the Universal Divine energy at the apex...the God/Divine point located at the base of the skull...the still point...the point where all creation in our lives exist. We communicate directly to  the Divine Creator that exists within ourselves! 

To access this through the left hand over the heart center and the right hand on the crown, and allow them to rest there for a few minutes...note any sensations and thoughts etc... Now place the left hand at the higher heart (above the heart center to the left slightly) and the right hand at the base of the skull...allow the energy to flow how ever long you need it to. Take note of what floats through your mind...words...images...sentances etc. - you are communicating with your godself! All is still in the Universe - all flows to this point - the point of ascension!

Blessings, and may you always find your point of stillness!

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OUR DEEPEST FEAR...written by Marianne Williamson in "A Return to Love"

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.       It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? 
Actually, who are you not to be? 
You are a child of God/Divine Light. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure about you. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us: it's in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

​**This is one of my very favorite quotes written by a very gifted woman...if you are not familiar with Marianne may just want to explore her won't be sorry you did! In light & love, Val

Mystic Musings from the Zen Room... 
Only old posts available at this time. Hopefully new posts will magically appear in this New Decade!
Blessings & Stay Awesome!